Tool and Die Support
- Aluminum Die Support
- Engineering Changes
- Die Support
- Preventative Die Maintenance Plans
- Quality Improvements
- Welding
- Supplier Support
- Process Development
- Down Time Reduction
- Metal Finish Reduction
- Material Savings Proposals and Implementation
- Re-engineering tooling to add strength and longevity
- Die optimization to reduce MTBF and MTTR metrics
Launch Support
- Aluminum Die Try-out
- Aluminum Die Optimization
- Die Try-Out
- Die Buy-Off’s
- Die Check-In
- Die Follow-Up
- Line Support
- FTT Improvement
- Die “charge back review”
- Process Development
- Metal Coordination
- EC’s, quality issues, and dimensional corrections
Training Support
- Formability training
- Tool and die maker apprenticeships
- Line die maker development
- Hemming die maker specialization
- Welding training
- Machining training